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Wrap Around Care 

Breakfast Club

Our daily breakfast club is run by experienced members of school staff, who offer a quiet and safe start to the day with healthy breakfast options. We open at 8.00am and children can choose from a range of food options including toast, cereal, fruit and yoghurts.  We can cater for any dietary requirements and our staff are qualified in food safety. Food is served until 8.25am.

The children are really well supported; they enjoy a range of fun activities in the hall and are taken to their classrooms at 8.35am, the beginning of the school day. We can also accept children who attend Whitstable Junior School and we will ensure they are taken to WJS in time for the start of their school day.

We offer a flexible approach to our sessions and invoice weekly in arrears, for the number of days your child attends.  We charge a flat fee of £3.00 per session.

If you require regular Breakfast Club sessions, please book these using the booking form. We are still able to accommodate extra sessions on an ad-hoc basis if you find that you need last minute childcare. You can call the school office to book these as the need arises.

After School Club

We are delighted to have an experienced St Alphege staff team in providing the very best care for your children, based upon our ethos, values and high expectations.

After School Club will be based in the Octopus Room or the school Hall, allowing plenty of space for the children to explore, play and relax.

What can you expect from After School Club?

  • Wrap around care from 3:15pm – 6:00pm every day
  • Flexible arrangements to suit your family.
  • Exciting and engaging activities both inside and outside
  • A happy, welcoming St Alphege team who know and love your children
  • Opportunities to play, read, sing, construct, create, explore and discover!
  • Healthy snacks available from 3:30pm
  • Nutritious home cooked food served from 5:00pm. For example: curry, pasta, lasagne, fresh chicken burgers etc. Menus will be adapted alongside the children and will cater for all dietary requirements. Menus will be provided on a termly basis.

We will invoice in advance at the beginning of each term for all pre-booked sessions. If you require additional ad-hoc session throughout the term you can book these, subject to availability, and we will add the cost to your next invoice.