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School Uniform

We are proud of our uniform and the sense of belonging that it instils. Our uniform is simple, comfortable and flexible and has been designed for all the practicalities of a busy school day! We expect all children to wear uniform daily and all families to support the school by purchasing the correct uniform items.

It is essential that ALL uniform is named and regularly re-named to ensure nothing is lost.


                                                                      Recommended Clothing List



Grey skirt / pinafore / trousers

Green school sweatshirt / school cardigan / school fleece

Yellow polo top with or without the school logo

Black school shoes, no trainers, sandals, crocs or flip-flops.

Grey tights

White or grey socks


Same or

Green check school dress

Grey Shorts

White or grey socks







Green shorts

Yellow t-shirts

Black elasticated plimsolls.



Track-suit (plain dark colour)

Trainers / plimsolls


                                                                                       Outdoor Play:

In order to make the most of exciting activities in schools, especially outdoor learning in the Reception year, your child can get wet and muddy. Therefore, washable coats, wellies and waterproofs are useful to have in school.

Purchasing Uniform: New and Second Hand 

14-16 William Street, Herne Bay, CT6 5EJ

Tel: 01227 365220



Second Hand:

Community Wardrobe

See the information posters below for details of second hand uniform donated in Whitstable.







Book bags, PE and swimming bags

Your child will be provided with a school book bag before starting school in the September.

Please do use these as other larger rucksacks are very difficult to store in school. Please could your child be encouraged to add names, ribbons or key rings to help them identify their own bag amongst thirty that look the same!

Please could your child bring a P.E. kit in a separate P.E. named bag. Please can this have a draw string so that it can hang easily on your child’s peg.

In KS1 your child will begin swimming lessons at Whitstable pool as part of the P.E. curriculum. Please could your child then bring a separate waterproof swimming bag; a carrier bag is fine.