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TED Team


TED Team

Our school council is called the T.E.D team.  T.E.D. is an acronym for ‘Together Everyone Decides’.  Our new name emphasises the importance of their role in gathering ideas from their peers on what needs improving in the school, including the way things are run and organised.   By ensuring the children’s ideas and thoughts model the ways we do things in school, gives us to best opportunity to make their time here valuable and happy.

We have two TEDs from each class in year 1 and 2 and as soon as they are ready, the reception classes nominate two class TED reps for each class.  There is a special TED team board in the reception area of the school which details who is in the TED team, as well as details of what the team have been involved in and future activities they will be asked to contribute to. 

Each year, the TED team writes their own version of the School Development Plan, discussing and sharing their ideas to support the school priorities. Their latest School Development Plan will be available here in a couple of weeks.

Our TED teams worked with staff to redesign our playground environment. They talked about the things they wanted to include to help enrich their outdoor activities at playtimes and lunchtimes. This included spaces for reading, art and construction play and a music area.

They wanted new climbing equipment and a tunnel as well as space for active games such as football and dance. Take a look at our children enjoying their new space.



Our TED team representatives were voted in by their class peers and will change each year.  Sometimes additional children are needed to support the work of the team and therefore opportunities for others to make contributions will be available.   If you would like further information about the TED Team’s role and responsibilities, please speak to Mrs Keeble or Mrs Humphreys (Sunbeams teachers).