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Collective Worship

Collective Worship

We have a daily opportunity to join together to worship. Throughout the week there will be opportunities for whole school worship, class based worship and individual reflection.

We encourage the children to be active participants and take a lead themselves. We welcome visitors from the team ministry to support the delivery of school worship.

There are opportunities for reflection in each classroom and outdoors to enable children the space and opportunity to explore their spirituality.


Please see our Collective Worship policy for more information.


During the Covid-19 pandemic, while our school could not remain open to the majority of our school family, we wanted to ensure that we continued to provide weekly opportunities for whole school worship. Here are some examples of the weekly worship sent home:


Singing Worship:




Kindness, with Rev Rob from the St Alphege church ministry team:


We have a visiting ministry team who come to deliver whole school worship once a week. This gives our children the opportunity to experience different styles of worship delivery and allows us to see Christianity as a living faith.



Our School Prayer

Dear God 

Just as many hands build a house,

So many hearts build a school,

Help us to look after each other,

To take care of each other,

To respect each other and be polite to each other,

As no matter what we look like,

Or where we come from,

We are all part of St Alphege School.
