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St Alphege Values

Our Christian Values  

Our St Alphege Values are routed in the gospel and teachings of Christ. The six St Alphege Values are: 







These are embedded in our policies, curriculum and activities and are clearly seen in all that our school family does together.



In the parable of The Lost Sheep, Koinonia is represented as the Shepherd and all of the Sheep living in a loving community.

At St Alphege we work collaboratively with many different partners, both locally and further afield, for the benefit of the children and families in our direct care, and for the common good. Examples of this are our collaborative working with parents, other schools, agencies and local organisations.



In the parable of The Lost Sheep, Forgiveness is shown to the Sheep for not following the Shepherds instructions.

At St Alphege we model forgiveness to our families and teach them to forgive each other. We treat every day as a fresh start ensuring that children are able to make amends and move forward, learning from each situation.



In the parable of The Lost Sheep, the sheep trusted that the Shepherd would rescue him and the other sheep trusted that the shepherd would return.

We ensure that St Alphege is a place of safety for both our children and their families. Parents trust that we will provide the very best care for their children, loving them as if they were our own. Trust is also shown through our rich and exciting curriculum where we allow children to take risks and explore new opportunities.  


In the parable of The Lost Sheep the Shepherd showed kindness when he carried the Sheep back to the flock.

At St Alphege we model kindness through our daily interactions. Children's kind acts are recognised and celebrated on a daily basis. We invest time in building strong relationships throughout our school community and our children and parents know that they will always be treated with kindness, whatever the situation.


In the parable of The Lost Sheep love is shown between the Shepherd and the Sheep.

At St Alphege love is the basis of all that we do. Just as Jesus doesn't hold back anything in his love for all people, we belive that education is a vocation, requiring complete commitment and based on sacrificial love for every single one of those in our care. 



In the parable of The Lost Sheep the Shepherd shows joy when he finds the Sheep.

St Alphege is a truly joyful place to be. Our school is full of fun and laughter and we create an environment where all members of the school community enjoy being. We recognise and celebrate achievements of any size, knowing what success looks like for each individual. Our curriculum is planned to ensure fun and memorable experiences celebrate the joy of childhood.