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Assessment in Key Stage 1

Assessment in Key Stage 1

Teacher assessment is an ongoing and important part of the teaching process at St Alphege. It is used to inform teachers of the next steps in a child’s learning and enables them to plan individualised work at an appropriate level. Assessments are also used to track progress over the year and support early identification of any particular areas where more focus, practice and support may be required.

Assessments and ongoing marking and discussion with children, families and between staff inform tracking of pupil achievement and progress. As a school, we track this through ‘The St Alphege Steps' assessment framework. These are a series of graduated assessment statements that our staff use to assessment the children's progress throughout the year. To view the assessment steps, please click on the Steps documents below.

At the end of KS1, progress is deemed to be at one of three stages:

  • Progress and learning is seen as ‘working towards the expected standard’ if it is not yet in line with the curriculum expectations for that age.
  • Progress and learning is ‘working at the expected standard’ if it is in line with the curriculum expectations for that age.
  • Progress and learning is ‘working at a greater depth within the expected standard’ if it is above the curriculum expectations for that age.

Phonics Screening Assessment

Alongside teacher assessments, children in Year 1 have a formal assessment that indicates how well the children are learning in phonics. The phonic screen gives each child a score for their ability to decode real and non-real words and to blend and segment sounds in words. The Government decides which score indicates that a child has achieved the standard required. The current score is 32/40. The results are reported to parents with their annual report at the end of the year. If a child does not yet achieve this score then they have another assessment at the end of Year 2. Phonics teaching continues through the whole of KS1.


Y2 are also assessed formally using summative assessments called SATS in reading, writing and mathematics. These are used to support the teacher’s assessment and are reported to the Department of Education and parents at the end of the year with their annual report. A parent event shares information about the organisation of these assessments. 

Reporting to parents

A written report is produced annually and summarises the progress your child has made over each year. Parents also have the opportunity to meet with their child’s teacher twice a year to discuss their child’s progress and well-being. We always strive to work in close partnership with parents, and parents are welcome and encouraged to come in at any time arranged with the teacher to discuss their child’s progress.