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National Curriculum in Key Stage 1

National Curriculum Information for KS 1

 The National Curriculum is planned to:

“provide pupils with an introduction to the essential knowledge that they need to be educated citizens. It introduces pupils to the best that has been thought and said; and helps engender an appreciation of human creativity and achievement.”

Department for Education 2014

The focus of the National Curriculum on the deepening of learning and the mastery of skills, matches our own aims and ethos to enable all pupils to feel confident in their learning and to be able to demonstrate knowledge in a variety of memorable situations.

The National Curriculum

We strive to provide all children with an individualised learning approach - an ‘extra layer of support’ which strengthens understanding. Enabling learning through the most creative and hands-on approach provides opportunities for the demonstration of the learning process and this the strengthening of skills.

 Our achievement of the Platinum Artsmark Award demonstrates our commitment to this creative approach.



Throughout years 1 and 2 we continue to challenge and stimulate all children, building on skills gained in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) through excellent teaching in a learning environment that is positive, rich and draws on the experiences and talents of all individuals through a broad and balanced curriculum.

Success is made explicit to the children through discussions about current learning and ways to improve. This conversation is reinforced with support in books and rewards that link to our current school priorities.

We feel it is also important to model and create opportunities where children face difficulties and even failure. Helping the children cope with challenges, ’have a go’ and not be afraid to make mistakes is an extremely important skill. We encourage the children to be proud of the work they produce and presentation is of a high standard.  The children love sharing their work across the school and celebration assemblies, as well as cross class, and cross school opportunities give children a growing confidence in themselves; and teach the skill to recognise and celebrate skills in others.